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Sydney Chinese New Year 2019 cute pigs sculpture

Sydney for starters

One can always find things to complain about if one really tries. For example, the BA business class flight to Sydney was rife with problems, such as:

  • one had to make one’s own bed. Yes, the White Company bedding was lush, and the flatbed/footstool combo surprisingly comfortable – but really!
  • the dining menu options were mostly things we don’t particularly like – though the chicken pak choi turned out to be pretty good, and the smoked duck breast starter delicious.
  • the bubbly wasn’t Bolly, darlings. Yes, it was good. But it wasn’t Bolly.
  • morning croissants should be served warm, as well as delicious and fresh. Two out of three just isn’t good enough.
  • our (effectively) private cabin area wasn’t big enough to swing a cat in. Unless it was a small cat, who didn’t object to the odd thump.

That said – yes, fabulous flight, and I am very keen never to fly economy again, please. We both slept on both of the flights and feel reasonably human today – which never happens after the usual crick-neck upright economy seats.

Pseudo cabin, does the job
Breakfast. Milk wasn’t frothed properly, too.

Ohai, Sydney. We brought clouds!

I hope they’re grateful. Apparently it’s been blistering hot here – but today’s been cloudy, and just high twenties (which would be a national emergency heatwave in Ireland). A good day to mooch our way to Bondi beach, as the hotel room wouldn’t be ready for hours yet.

Look! I managed to make Bondi beach look like Tramore! Unparalleled photographic skills.

Vague memory of Sydney from backpacking way back in 2001, was a mixture of bland suburbs (staying with a friend) and seedy modern city (staying around King’s Cross), mixed with a few tourist hotspots like the opera house and bridge.

Different experience this time. Woollahra area, where we’re staying, is gorgeous – old school Victorian colonial buildings with surprisingly delicate lace-like ironwork balconies; wide parklands of curious trees; and an excess of charming cafes and restaurants dotted everywhere. Even the supermarkets feel nice, in a way that our local Tescos firmly doesn’t; and independent bakeries and butchers abound. Bondi beach, even on a relatively cloudy day, is still beautiful – the sand ludicrously white and fine and above all else, startlingly clean – they’ve even banned cigarettes from the beach, so there’s not as much as a fag butt anywhere in sight. Wimped out of swimming there today – water felt freezing cold – but admired the surfers’ tenacity (and that it looked like about half female surfers – most surf places I’ve seen tend to be 99% male).

Anyway – time to head out exploring again, and ignore the jetlag screaming that it’s 4am and long overdue time for bed – still five hours to go till any kind of semi respectable bedtime (9pm is almost respectable, right?).