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So, you like (love!) to travel. But you want to avoid the tourist traps. 

You like a bit of comfort – you’re not slumming it in hostels, but rarely pay 5* prices; you’ll probably rent a car or taxi rather than take twice as long with public transport.

You like fun. You’ve finished your partying-like-a-student, but you’re a long way from cruise ships.

You like activity – you don’t have to tick all the adrenaline sport boxes, but you’d happily walk all day exploring new places.

And, most importantly, you hate feeling like a tourist – crammed into overpriced and average traps with a bunch of people all taking the same photo.

Welcome, friend!

This guide aims to help those who are tired of going to the same places recommended in every tourist guidebook. We’ll give you some of those basic details – Sagrada Familia might be a tourist cliche, but it is amazing! – but our main focus is on the slightly ‘other’ things. During our travels, we’ve enjoyed a lot of things that are barely mentioned in the guidebooks – and regretted visiting lots of the places that were prominent. We try to focus on what’s more unique in a place – eg: the beaches of Nice are – well, nice. But the villages perche – tiny medieval villages on top off cliffs in the mountains nearby – are special.